Thursday, December 16, 2010


I thought that the Pro Choice website had a better argument. They stated their mission right away on the home page and everything else on the site clearly related back to it and proved that they following their mission statement. The Right to Life website was not as convincing for me. I think it is because I have an education. Their website only explains different types of procedures used to abort a pregnancy and uses language to try to scare away women. The Pro Choice site addressed the fact that Right to Life does this and explained why they were wrong and what really happened. The language used in the Right to Life site also reminded me very much of how Sarah Palin would explain an abortion and the reasons she would give to make it illegal. That right away pushed my vote towards the Pro Choice website. One topic that really cleared up confusion for me was the section about the Crisis Pregnancy Centers on the Pro Choice website. In the video we watched I was very confused about what these were. They seem like they are supposed to be clinics to help women who are trying to get abortions or decide if that is the right choice for them. Then when the women get in there they are told that they cannot get abortions because it will damn them to hell and even birth control is unreasonable. The Pro Choice website explained how these centers draw pregnant women win by making them look like abortion clinics but then do everything they can to scare women into keeping the baby. Seeing both of these websites helped me learn how both sides of the issue makes their arguments and has kept me in a pro-choice mindset.

Thinking responsibly I would say that a parent does have the right to know whether their daughter is having an abortion or not. However, seeing as I am a 17 year old boy I do not think this is necessary. At this age we are old enough to make our own decisions, even if they are stupid ones. If a 17 or 18 year old girl has sex and gets pregnant then it is her choice how she wants to deal with it. If she decides to abort then she should be able to do so without her parents having to be notified. As a 17 year old male I also have a few selfish reasons for this thinking. If I were to get a girl pregnant at this age I would not want her dad to know about the abortion because I value my life and do not need him to take it away from me.

I don't think that the father should have the right to consent to the abortion no matter what age. It is not his body to decide about. Just because he is the father of the pregnant girl doesn't mean he knows what she wants or whether the abortion would be right or not. If a woman is raped and the father refuses to let her abort then she will be stuck with the reminder of what had happened to her for the rest of her life and she won't be able to have the chance to let it go by not having the child. It is easy for men to say that abortion should be legal or should be illegal because they do not have to go through the procedure. In the end it is the woman's choice and only she knows what is best for her body and what direction she wants her life to go in.

It is interesting to me that the Governor of Illinois is prove choice, yet there are a lot of Pro Life laws about abortion in our state such as the Abortion Ban. It says that a woman can only abort the fetus before the 12th week of pregnancy. I think this is a good thing because in the very early stages like this you can't really tell that a woman is pregnant. The fetus is still just a little blip on the ultra sound and, to me, doesn't even resemble a baby. It keeps it less personal so it would be easier to have an abortion. However, it has been ruled unconstitutional because it places an undue burden on the woman. A few of the other Pro Life laws in Illinois were also classified as unconstitutional so I think this state is still very much Pro Choice.