Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let the Foreigners Flood In!

Immigration is a funny thing. It causes many heated discussions amongst many people and yet others couldn't care less. I feel like immigration is a great thing. How else could our country grow and develop without the intake of new cultures and customs. My family is made up of immigrants. All of them came in after World War II and brought in their own unique characteristics and ways of life. In my family we like to refer to it as the "defective gene". It is something that is embedded genetically within all of us that causes brief moments of instability. The only lucky ones are the people who marry into our family. However, they have to be a small bit defective as well to be able to put up with all of us. One minute I can be sitting at a nice quiet family dinner with my mother, father, brother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and about fifteen of my thirty six cousins and the next thing I know the room explodes with conversation and argument. Anyone outside of our clan would just consider this noise. My uncle has a strong belief that every immigrant that comes into this country should have to learn the English language and that the bilingual schools are taking away from assimilation. He's just a little bitter because he learned English by watching the Three Stooges. For better or for worse, this country was founded on immigrants and it doesn't matter how you feel about them because they will be everywhere and will only help push this country along.