Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug Testing in Schools

I am strongly against drug testing in schools. I understand that once you walk into a school there are very few rights that apply to you. After twelve years of the public school system this is very obvious. I get that sometimes bags need to be searched in order to keep schools safe. I have been subject to that twice so far in my four years of high school with two different bomb threats. However, drug testing is a step too far. School officials do not need to search a students body to keep schools safe. This is the ultimate invasion of privacy. What students do on their own free time should be of no concern to the school. By instating drug testing for student athletes, schools are just trying to go out of their way to catch someone in the act. It is also unfair that just the athletes are tested. This leaves students in clubs and other extracurriculars free to get high and go about their day. Student athletes are held to such a high standard today and that causes plenty of problems in schools. School officials seem to still be in the 1950s mindset where the starting quarterback and head cheerleaders rule the school. However, from a students point of view this is not true. Plenty of people go about their day and hang out with their own friends and don't even pay any attention to what the athletes do. They are no longer the biggest influence in schools anymore and don't need to be held to such a high standard because most people just don't care. If the school wanted to do drug testing right they would include the entire student body. However, most people would find this search to be unreasonable and, based on the ruling in New Jersey v. T.L.O., if the search is unreasonable then it is also unconstitutional. This whole idea of reasonable leaves too much in the eyes of the paranoid school officials. We have seen plenty of unreasonable decisions made by our own school officials to feel warm and fuzzy about the fact that they will be deciding when it is and isn't reasonable to search our bodies for drug use. Things like free pizza or plastic cups at lunch set off our school administration and cause them to make unreasonable decisions. How are they going to be able to convince us that what they say about drug testing is reasonable. In my opinion, the students should be able to decide what is reasonable when it comes to their own body, not school administrators who are more worried about high test schools so they get more federal funding instead of the students themselves.