Thursday, March 3, 2011

State of the Union

This year's state of the union was interesting to watch. It seemed like Obama was trying intentionally to make the speech bipartisan. The Republicans and Democrats usually sit on opposite sides of the room from each other. They always stand and applaude at different times, when something their party likes is said. But this year it was different. The Republicans and Democrats seemed to mix this year. What I connected to most from President Obama's speech was what he talked about with the future and educatoin. Obama said, "Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school degree. And yet, as many as a quarter of our students aren't even finishing high school." As a soon-to-be high school graduate this related right to me. Fortunately for us, we live in a nice area where many students don't drop out of high school. There are a few, but it is definately not 25% of our students. I am fortunate that I am able to complete my high school education and go on to further my education at college. Unfortunately many others are not as lucky. If students were to stay in school and at least finish high school, they would see that the education is all they need to start a good life. Then maybe they'd apply for higher learning. This country needs to do something to work on our youth's education. There has to be a reason why all these students have decided to drop out of school. We need to do something to figure out why these kids don't want to finish their education and fix it. If we start by fixing the education system then maybe we'd be able to have these newly educated young adults help generate ideas to help solve other problems this country has.


Mr. Kramer said...

Zach, I'm always interested to read what you have to say and this quarter was no exception. As always you have insightful comments to make about each issue. Work to use even more specificity and detail in your posts and be sure to finish each assignment (post on race is missing).