Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 Days of September

Watching the destruction of 9/11 and paying attention to it's effects on people for the first time since third grade was not what I expected it to be. As an eight year old it is hard to really understand what is going on. All I remember about September 11th was being walked home from school by my mom and going home and seeing images of the planes going into the towers on CNN. As a third grader it is really cool to see all the fire and explosion. It was like watching a movie. Now watching it as a senior in high school the experience is very different. The most disturbing thing to me is the sight of people jumping off the top of the building. I can't imagine a situation where I would ever have to throw myself out of a window a hundred stories above ground instead of waiting to be burned alive. I liked watching this film because it showed how not only New Yorkers but how the rest of America reacted to the attacks. When people watch documentaries about 9/11 most of the time it is just about the towers being hit and collapsing and the events of that day. I liked being able to see how the rest of the week unfolded because when it was happening I was too young to understand what was happening. I think that this movie gave a great perspective of what happened and how it affected America. After watching it I found myself feeling a stronger sense of patriotism and anger towards anyone that would want to do this to my country.