Sunday, September 19, 2010

Speech Codes on American Campus

The students in the fraternities having race parties should be punished without a doubt. After all the things that went on in this country with the Civil Rights Movement and racism in our country it is amazing to me that people can still act this way. Based on the video we watched in class with the Harvard professor and the speech codes packet we read i don't think that they'd be able to be seriously punished since they were not violating the First Amendment. However, the university should be able to suspend the right for the fraternity to hold parties or even be on campus because the black face party is not only offensive but it could be considered fighting words and can incite violence between those white kids with the paint on their face and the black students on campus. I know that if I was attending that university I would not want things like that going on because I would not have to deal with the uncomfortable tension that comes as a result of this party. I also wouldn't like it because I would be worried about which minority they would go after next. As a Jew outside of the North Shore, I would be a minority and would not like to be targetted like the black students were in this case.