Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dumbest Generation Cinco (That's Spanish for Five)

"Undergraduates do all sorts of things at universities. They play compuer games, they eat pizza, they go to parties, they have sex, they work out, and they amuse each other by their ppretensions. What most fiction has ignored is that a lot of them also spend vast amounts of time alone, attacking the kinds of intellectual problems that can easily swallow lifetimes. In the perilous months of their last years at good colleges and universities, seniors parachute into mathematical puzzles, sociological aporiae, and historical mysteries that have baffled professionals. With the help - and sometimes the hindrance - of their teachers, but chiefly relying on their own wits and those of their close friends, they attack Big Questions, Big Books, and Big Problems." This quote talks a lot about what people don't give people my age enough credit for. Mark Bauerlein can go about a write an entire book about how my generation is going to be the end of us all because we rely on the internet instead of reading books like our parents. But when you really look at it, we do plenty to push our society along. If it weren't for our ever changing views on the way we see the world as young adults or how we deal with the mistakes our parents and generations before us have made then things wouldn't change. For instance, because of the way our country has become so dependant on oil from the Middle East, I want to grow up and solve this problem. I plan and creating homes that don't need to use any kind of outside energy because they will be able to create everything they need on their own. Other people my age look at the computers we have now and the way that people use their cell phones and change them. Computer operating systems are now changing every year and once you get used to one and learn how to use it, a new one is made to make your computer using experience even easier. Just because we keep changing the way we use all our technology doesn't mean that we are incompitent in keeping our lives and the course of future on track. The fact that we look at these big questions and big problems and then go our and try to fix them makes us even better than the generation before us. Instead of sitting around and complaining about it we are actually going out and doing something about it.