Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Final thoughts on The Dumbest Generation

After reading this book I am very intrigued. I didn't think that it could have had such an impact on me. I thought it was just interesting to see how the fact that I grew up on computers and video game could be harmful to our society. However, I found a lot of points that made me want to show Mark Bauerlein that he is wrong. Other points made me embarrassed to be part of this so called "Dumbest Generation". There were a lot of great points raised that I hadn't even thought of though. The fact that we spend so much time in front of TV screens and computers is amazing to me when I look back and think about it. Even more amazing is that fact that it's not just one or the other. Most of the time I am in front of the computer and watching TV and listening to my iTunes or iPod and texting. The fact that I can multi task so well without getting confused and keeping it all on track is crazy. I'm happy I can multi task though. This will definitely help me in the future. I think the reason Bauerlein is so upset about the way that my generation is so technological is because he can't keep up with us. Since we were raised on computers we don't know what it's like to spend hours in the library trying to search through the dewy decimal system and a large set of encyclopedias just to find one piece of information. I just go to Google, type in the topic I'm looking for and there it is instantly at my fingertips. This book brought up a good point about how our social skills may be hurt because of our dependence on Instant and Text Messaging. We spend so much time in front of screens that when it comes time to get face to face with people we are sometimes at a loss. Overall, I think this was a good book and I'm glad I chose to read this instead of a story about Meth or Abortion that probably wouldn't have meant as much to me because it wasn't as personal.


Willie B3ast said...

That's a great point you make about him making this book and pointing out that our generation is the "Dumb Generation" because he cant keep up with the technoligical advances the whole world has gone through in the past 20 or so years. I still agree with the author though that we as students are missing key factors of our lifes that our parents and others before them experienced. But since this generation is the first to explore the technology laid before us I think our generation is making a change with how we will grow up and the kids in the future.