Monday, February 1, 2010

A Gentleman's Agreement

In 1907 President Theodore Roosevelt made and agreement with the Japanese government. The agreement that was made was to stop all immigration from Japan to America. The Japanese government was afraid that it would lose to many young men and that the Japanese military would suffer from the small numbers. Japan would only issue passports to the people that were not laborers because they wanted people the go back to Japan if they were to visit. The only exception to this rule was to people who already had family living in the United States or had previous interests in the farming industry in this country. Hawaii was a separate case for the Japanese because it was much closer than the mainland of America. When dealing with those islands it was up to Japan whether or not they wanted to give passports to their people. They decided to "be limited to former residents and parents, wives, or children of residents. This agreement stayed in place until the US tried to limit immigration even more with the Immigration Act in 1924.

"Theodore Roosevelt: Gentleman's Agreement (1907)." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


allie said...

I also took at look at this document and took many of the same ideas out of it. When I was done reading it, I realized that this agreement deprives people of the freedom that America is suppose to provide. I feel that the American government should not block peoople from other Countries out completly.I think that people should be allowed to immigrate from their Country, but it can be regulated. Most of all I see this as a way to bring racism and segregation between the Ameicans and the Japanese.