Monday, February 22, 2010

What I Learned About Gays and Lesbians

The presentation on Maria’s blog did a great job showing what gays in America have to go through. I thought that our country was taking some steps towards equal treatment of everybody since in the news we hear about state allowing gay marriage. I guess I was wrong. I had no idea that it is legal in 31 states to fire someone because they are gay. That to me is crazy. If someone is good at their job and does a great job for the business, then what does it matter if they are gay or not. Why in the world should that be the reason that the person should lose their job? The interview with the middle school student was interesting as well because it showed firsthand how people are treated and what kind of affects it has on the individual. It is even worse that a child has to deal with things like this since adolescence is the hardest time for anyone. It is when people establish their opinions and become a person and for them to grow up and feel hated is a crime. The video about the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy” got me very frustrated. It is amazing to me that some people can be so stupid and think like that. If that angry old man truly believes that gay people are going to be the reason that our country is taken over by terrorists he should be hit straight in the head, and I’d love to be the person to do it. I think that honestly this man is scared that other soldiers will be upset that the gay soldiers are going to be the only ones getting any and the straight ones have to wait to go home to their girlfriends. In a country where military service is not mandatory like some other countries why would you ever want to turn away someone willing to help? This country is in the middle of wars they shouldn’t even have started in the first place and that fact that some people are willing to fight in it is a miracle so why turn people away. Especially the people who speak the language of the people we are fighting against like the example they were talking about. Fox News was able to do it. They made themselves look even stupider than before. Halfway through their segment they stopped just to laugh at a stupid mistake that the president made. If you actually look at it the bottom says “NO REACTION FROM THE PRESS”. These people only want to bash the man in charge because they have nothing better to do. This presentation did a great job informing me about a topic I didn’t know much about and even provoked me into having an opinion on the topic now.